TABLOIDBINTANG.COM - Kesehatan adalah modal berharga untuk hidup bahagia. Tanpa kesehatan, kualitas hidup juga jadi tidak bisa seperti yang diharapkan. Biaya kesehatan yang sangat mahal membuat orang harus mencegah daripada harus mengobati.
5 zodiak berikut ini harus mulai memperhatikan kesehatannya kalau tetap ingin beraktivitas secara normal.
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Capricorn cenderung mementingkan kesibukan kerja daripada membuat jadwal olahraga yang rutin. Kebiasaan makan di luar bisa mempertahan kondisi kesehatannya. Salah satu yang harus segera dilakukan adalah menurunkan berat badan.
2. Aquarius
Selain sangat kurang bergerak, Aquarius adalah orang rumahan yang jarang terkena matahari dan udara segar. Kecenderungan tidur larut malam membuat kesehatan mereka layak menjadi perhatian.
3. Taurus
Sebagai pecinta kuliner dan jalan-jalan Taurus sangat tidak suka sayur dan buah-buahan. Masalah metabolisme dan resiko kolesterol tinggi membuat Taurus harus mencari cara untuk meningkatkan kesehatan mereka salah satunya dengan lebih banyak bergerak dan minum air putih.
4. Leo
Kecintaan Leo pada kopi dan cemilan kekinian membuat kesehatan mereka terancam. Apalagi Leo juga dikenal sebagai perokok aktif sehingga peringatan untuk hidup sehat harus didengarkan. Leo sangat memerlukan seseorang yang mau selalu mengingatkannya untuk berolahraga.
5. Sagitarius
Berat badan Sagitarius harus dikontrol dengan ketat. Kalau ingin lebih sehat, Sagitarius harus mengurangi asupan garam dan gula secara signifikan.
February 01, 2020 at 02:00PM from Berita Gosip Terbaru Hari ini, Kabar Artis Terkini -
A White House task force announced a nationwide public health emergency over the coronavirus outbreak Friday, triggering mandatory quarantines for US citizens traveling from the epicenter of the disease in China's Hubei province.
In a presidential proclamation, the task force also announced that President Trump would be barring foreign nationals traveling from China from entering the US. Relatives of US citizens would be allowed entry.
The orders will take effect on Sunday at 5 p.m. ET.
"It really is intended to stop the spread of this virus," CDC Director Robert Redfield said at a White House briefing on the announcement. He added that the current risk of the virus for people in the US is "low."
Under the order, US travelers from Hubei province in China would face mandatory quarantines of up to 14 days in screening centers, while travelers from elsewhere in China would be asked to self-quarantine at home.
"We still have a low risk to the American public," said National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease Director Anthony Fauci. "But we want to keep it at a low risk."
As justification for the steps, Fauci and Redfield cited the still-unknown incubation period for the virus, and its newly confirmed ability to infect new people while patients don't display symptoms. "We don't know the natural history of how this virus is secreted," said Redfield.
Asked about the daily changes to US travel warnings and restrictions in the outbreak, microbiologist Matthew Frieman of the University of Maryland School of Medicine referenced boxer Mike Tyson's adage that 'everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.'
"We haven't been punched in the face," Frieman said. "But China has taken one." Recent studies pointing to transmission of the virus early in an infection and the case of an infection occurring on US soil widens the potential for an outbreak, he said. "I would think they are taking these steps out of an overabundance of caution."
US airlines have halted flights to and from China, and discussions are underway with Chinese carriers on how to implement screening of passengers.
And on Thursday, the World Health Organization had declared the outbreak a global health emergency but said that move was intended to steer medical screening assistance to smaller nations, not to trigger travel restrictions.
The Trump administration's new travel restrictions and quarantine efforts have led some experts to criticize the measures as an overreach.
"This is exactly what WHO warned against," said global health law expert Lawrence Gostin of Georgetown University.
Gostin said the move to quarantine travelers coming from Hubei Province was reasonable, given case numbers there, but that the requirement should have been for voluntary home isolation instead of mandatory detention. And barring foreign travelers from China, along with making US citizens self-quarantine at home, he said, likely violated civil rights laws, without leading to any real lowered risk of a US outbreak.
"We are slipping from overconfidence into panic and overreaction," said Gostin.
Amesh Adjala of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, speaking for the Infectious Disease Society of America, said that "decades" of research show that travel bans are actually counterproductive in derailing outbreaks. They lead to difficulties getting resources to outbreak centers, bankruptcy, and economic hardship there, and cause stigma for residents from the affected areas.
"It's kind of frustrating that we always have these kind of discussions during every outbreak, no matter how many experts explain why it causes negative consequences," Adjala said. "I think it is a bad turn of events."
Darius Sinathrya mewajibkan anak-anaknya untuk ikut menjaga kebersihan rumah sejak dini. (Seno/
TABLOIDBINTANG.COM - Darius Sinathrya memiliki cara tersendiri untuk mengajarkan tiga anaknya tanggung jawab terhadap kebersihan lingkungan. Suami dari Donna Agnesia tersenbut mengaku sudah mewajibkan anak-anaknya untuk ikut menjaga kebersihan rumah sejak dini.
Ia menuturkan, untuk membuat anak-anaknya memiliki rasa tanggung jawab terhadap kebersihan, sejak dini Darius dan sang istri sudah mewajibkan anak-anaknya membersihkan kamar masing-masing setiap harinya.
"Iya mulai diajari (bersih-bersih rumah), jadi yang langsung menjadi bagian dari mereka adalah kamar. Kami minta mereka untuk tiap hari bereskan sendiri. Walaupun masih suka lupa-lupa, tapi mereka sudah mulailah," ujar Darius Sinathrya di kawasan Gatot Subroto, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (31/1).
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Darius Sinathrya mewajibkan anak-anaknya untuk ikut menjaga kebersihan rumah sejak dini. (Seno/
Tak cuma kamar pribadi masing-masing anak, pria 34 tahun itu juga membiasakan anak-anaknya untuk membersihkan perlengkapan makannya masing-masing. Menurutnya, meski lazimnya kegiatan mencuci piring dilakukan oleh perempuan, hal itu juga berlaku untuk dua anak laki-lakinya.
"Jadi kesadarannya ditumbuhkan pelan-pelan. Yang cowok-cowok juga, enak aja. Sekarang semua harus punya skill yang sama. Ntar kalau misalnya dia ngekos, memang mau ngekos sama perempuan?," terang Darius kemudian.
Lebih lanjut, produser yang sukses lewat film Night Bus itu pun menegaskan, meski memiliki asisten rumah tangga, namun soal kebersihan rumah merupakan kewajiban bersama. Meski anak-anaknya terbilang masih kecil, namun itu sama sekali tidak berpengaruh terhadap sikap disiplin yang diterapkan di keluarganya.
"(Anak-anak) Punya tanggung jawab yang sama. Misal sekarang punya peliharaan anjing di rumah, walau kasihnya ke Sabrina karena waktu itu dia ulang tahun, karena dia yang minta, tapi kakak-kakaknya tetap punya tanggung jawab yang sama untuk mengurusnya," tandas Darius Sinathrya.
February 01, 2020 at 01:00PM from Berita Gosip Terbaru Hari ini, Kabar Artis Terkini -
TABLOIDBINTANG.COM - Panggung LIDA 2020 selalu memberikan kejutan di setiap episodenya. Konser Top 70 group 3 putih yang tayang 29 Januari 2020 menampilkan 5 duta provinsi yakni Aco (Sulawesi Tenggara), Heru (Nusa Tenggara Barat), Juana (Sumatera Selatan), Nurul (Kalimantan Utara), dan Shopi (Kepulauan Riau).
Tampil membawakan lagu “Gejolak Asmara” yang pernah dipopulerkan oleh Nassar, Aco mendapatkan standing ovation dari seluruh Dewan Juri serta hujan pujian dari Dewan Juri tim putih. Menurut Lesty DA, Aco dapat tampil tanpa ada kekurangan dan dirinya juga sangat menikmati penampilan Aco tersebut.
Seperti halnya dengan Aco, nasib baik juga berpihak kepada Juana (Sumatera Selatan) yang menyanyikan lagu “Cinta Yang Pudar“. Dengan penuh penghayatan, Juana berhasil memikat hati Dewan Juri dengan meraih 3 standing ovation.
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Reza DA yang hadir sebagai Dewan Juri pun tampak puas atas penampilan Juana malam tadi. “Saat kamu mengeluarkan kata–kata dibagian awal lagu sudah terasa feel-nya, kamu harus pertahankan itu”.
Lagi-lagi Lesti DA dibuat jatuh cinta dengan penampilan Duta Provinsi. Kali ini giliran Nurul (Kalimantan Utara) yang tampil membawakan lagu “Mimpi”. Meski tampil memukau, namun ada beberapa nada yang menurut Dewan Juri terdengar tidak stabil.
Berbeda dengan Aco, Juana, dan Nurul, penampilan Shopi (Kepulauan Riau) dan Heru (Nusa Tenggara Barat ) kurang mendapatkan respons positif. Lagu “Balqis” yang dibawakan Heru dirasa masih kurang memuaskan Dewan Juri. Menurut Weni DA, “Kamu terlalu heboh dengan gerakan hingga lupa fokus terhadap isi lagunya”.
Sementara Shopi (Kepulauan Riau), lagu “Ku Ingin” yang dibawakannya seperti tidak bernyawa sehingga tidak bisa dinikmati menurut Lesty DA. Kelima peserta telah menampilkan penampilan terbaik mereka di hadapan seluruh Dewan Juri.
Hasil perolehan polling Konser Top 70 LIDA 2020, Aco menduduki peringkat pertama, di susul Juana, Shopi dan Heru dan terakhir Nurul. Hasil akhir menentukan Heru (Nusa Tenggara Barat) harus tersenggol dan menghentikan impiannya di panggung LIDA 2020. Sementara Nurul (Kalimantan Utara) yang diselamatkan Dewan Juri berhasil melangkah maju ke babak selanjutnya.
February 01, 2020 at 12:00PM from Berita Gosip Terbaru Hari ini, Kabar Artis Terkini -
TABLOIDBINTANG.COM - Ria Ricis kembali mendapat kesempatan untuk unjuk kebolehan akting. Yang terbaru, Ricis bermain di film Aku Tahu Kapan Kamu Mati (ATKKM), beradu akting dengan Natasha Wilona hingga Al Ghazali.
Ria Ricis dipercaya memerankan karakter Flo, sahabat dari karakter yang dimainkan Al dan Wilona.
"Flo sahabat banget sama mereka itu. Flo yang paling koplak, susah dibilangin, dan paling heboh," ungkap Ria Ricis, Jumat (31/1).
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Ria Ricis bermain di film Aku Tahu Kapan Kamu Mati (ATKK)M, beradu akting dengan Natasha Wilona hingga Al Ghazali. (Istimewa)
Tak ada kesulitan berarti ditemui Ria Ricis di film ATKKM. Pasalnya, Flo tak jauh berbeda dengan karakter Ria Ricis di kehidupan sehari-hari.
"Kayak ketawa asli dan marah asli, karena mendalami feel-nya saat marah dan sedih, ya, benaran. Jadi memang nggak ada kesusahan," lanjutnya.
Film ATKKM mengambil lokasi syuting di Jakarta dan Bogor. Ada pengalaman tak terduga dialami Ria Ricis saat pengambilan gambar di kawasan Puncak.
"Waktu syuting di kolam sebuah asrama aku merasakan hal mistis. Syutingnya sampai jam 3 atau jam 4 pagi, kayak ngerasa nggak enak nih. Cuman ya banyak doa aja, supaya nggak kenapa-kenapa dan diganggu," tutur Ria Ricis.
Setelah mati suri, Siena bisa melihat pertanda orang akan mati. Siena ketakutan dan ingin keluar dari situasi yang mengerikan ini. Flo, Neni, dan Vina, sahabat dari Siena tidak percaya dengan kemampuan yang tiba-tiba dimiliki oleh Siena.
Namun, Siena terus meyakinkan dengan penglihatannya. Apalagi, satu persatu orang di sekitarnya mati setelah Siena melihat pertanda dengan munculnya arwah yang menjemput orang tersebut.
Ria Ricis bermain di film Aku Tahu Kapan Kamu Mati (ATKK)M, beradu akting dengan Natasha Wilona hingga Al Ghazali. (Istimewa)
Hingga akhirnya pertanda tersebut muncul di dekat Brama (Al Ghazali), kakak kelas yang dicintai Siena. Siena berusaha menggagalkan kematian Brama. Ternyata bukan hanya Brama. Siena juga melihat pertanda orang-orang terdekatnya akan mati.
Siena berusaha menggagalkan kematian-kematian itu. Hingga pertanda kematian itu sendiri datang mengancam dirinya. Film garapan rumah produksi Unlimited Production & Maxima Pictures ini akan tayang di bioskop Indonesia pada 5 Maret 2020.
February 01, 2020 at 11:00AM from Berita Gosip Terbaru Hari ini, Kabar Artis Terkini -
TABLOIDBINTANG.COM - Nikita Mirzani dijemput paksa penyidik Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan, Kamis (30/1) malam, terkait kasus penganiayaan terhadap mantan suaminya, Dipo Latief. Sejak Jumat (31/1) pagi, polisi menetapkan Niki sebagai tahanan.
Kasatreskrim Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan, AKBP M. Irwan Susanto, mengatakan pihaknya memutuskan untuk menjemput Nikita Mirzani karena dianggap perlu.
"Tadi malam anggota kami melakukan sebagian dari upaya paksa terhadap tersangka NM. Tindakan ini sudah sesuai prosesur hukum," ujar M. Irwan, di kantornya, Jumat petang.
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Nikita Mirzani dijemput paksa penyidik Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan terkait kasus penganiyaan. (Seno/
Dijelaskan M. Irwan, pada 26 November 2019 Kejaksaan Negeri Jakarta Selatan menyatakan berkas perkara Nikita Mirzani yang diajukan pihak Polres telah lengkap atau P21.
Setelah itu penyidik melakukan pemanggilan terhadap Nikita Mirzani untuk pelimpahan tahap dua. Tapi, Nikita berkali-kali mangkir dengan berbagai alasan. Tak ingin membuang waktu, upaya paksa pun diambil.
"Kami ada kegiatan kordinasi antara pihak penyidik dengan kejaksaan. Teman-teman penyidik sudah dalam proses pembuatan dakwaan. Itu yang kami kedepankan. Percepatan proses administrasi, dalam rangka penyelesaian perkara," papar M. Irwan.
Nikita Mirzani dijemput paksa penyidik Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan terkait kasus penganiyaan. (Seno/
Menurut rencana Nikita Mirzani selaku tersangka dan barang bukti akan diserahkana ke Kejari Jakarta Selatan pada Senin, 3 Januari 2020. Setelah itu, Nikita tinggal menunggu proses persidangan.
February 01, 2020 at 10:00AM from Berita Gosip Terbaru Hari ini, Kabar Artis Terkini -
TABLOIDBINTANG.COM - Rinni Wulandari merilis singel terbaru berjudul "Born Ready". Single ini cukup emosional bagi Rinni, karena memuat idealismenya dalam bermusik.
Single ini juga jadi penanda kembalinya Rinni Wulandari setelah sekian lama rehat, demi memusatkan perhatiannya membesarkan sang buah hati, Nord.
"Di luar musik aku jadi ibu rumah tangga saja. Urus, antar dan jemput anak sekolah. Fokus dampingi tumbuh kembang Nord," kata Rinni Wulandari, di M Bloc Space, Jakarta Selatan, Kamis (30/1).
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Banyak hal diungkapkan Rinni Wulandari lewat single "Born Ready". Salah satunya pengalaman pahit saat mengawali karier sebagai penyanyi.
"Ada masa di mana aku kasih lagu ke label tapi ditolak. Mereka nggak percaya sama lagu aku, aku merasa patah semangat di tahun 2010," kenang Rinni Wulandari.
Dengan lirik yang begitu mendalam, Rinni Wulandari pun sempat meneteskan air mata saat membawakan lagu barunya di hadapan wartawan.
"Jadi diri sendiri aku bisa mendapatkan apa yang aku inginkan, setelah aku jujur dengan karya aku," tutup Rinni Wulandari.
February 01, 2020 at 09:00AM from Berita Gosip Terbaru Hari ini, Kabar Artis Terkini -
TABLOIDBINTANG.COM - Kecurigaan Rizky Febian dan keluarga yang menduga Lina Jubaedah meninggal tak wajar ternyata tidak terbukti. Jumat (31/1), Polda Jawa Barat mengumumkan hasil otopsi yang dilakukan penyidik dan tim forensik.
Kabid Humas Polda Jawa Barat, Kombes Saptono Erlangga Waskitoroso, mengungkap tidak ada unsur kekerasan atau racun yang menyebabkan Lina Jubaedah meninggal pada 4 Januari 2020.
"Sebagai kesimpulan, setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan autopsi dan laboratorium forensik, dapat dijelaskan bahwa kematian saudari Lina Jubaedah bukan karena adanya kekerasan maupun racun di dalam tubuh saudari Lina Jubaedah, akan tetapi akibat penyakit," ucap Saptono Erlangga di Mapolrestabes Bandung, Jawa Barat, Jumat (31/1).
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Polisi mengumumkan setelah mendalami pemeriksaan berdasarkan hasil otopsi dan pemeriksaan laboratorium forensik.
Kemudian Polisi juga memastikan laporan Rizky Febian atas dugaan pembunuhan dan pembunuhan berencana tidak terbukti.
"Tidak terbukti, karena peristiwa tersebut bukan merupakan tindak pidana," pungkas Saptono Erlangga.
February 01, 2020 at 08:00AM from Berita Gosip Terbaru Hari ini, Kabar Artis Terkini -
TABLOIDBINTANG.COM - Usia Yuki Kato saat ini menginjak 24 tahun, dan sampai sekarang masih betah menjomblo. Menjadi single di usia matang diakui Yuki Kato ada suka dan dukanya.
Kepada wartawan, Yuki Kato menceritakan sempat kesal lantaran kesepian tidak ada teman ngobrol apalagi memberikan perhatian. Gara-gara itu, Yuki bahkan kepikiran untuk menjual handphone milinya.
“Ehm…, wah saya nggak tahu, nggak ada kayaknya. Serius, Whatsapp tuh kosong, rasanya pengen gue jual handphone gue," ucap Yuki Kato sambil tertawa di Grand Indonesia, Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (30/1).
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Yuki beralasan, dirinya yang memilih untuk menjomblo apalagi memikirkan soal pernikahan.
“Karena belum dipikirin kali jadi karena kita tidak memikirkan itu jadi ya semesta juga nggak untuk kita cepat-cepat nikah,” terang Yuki Kato.
Meski merasa happy dengan keputusannya, Yuki tidak menampik bila orang tuanya sering menanyakan soal kekasih dan kapan nikah. Yuki pun tau cara mengatasi desakan orang tuanya.
“Untuk menghindari pertanyaan kapan nikah ya untuk saat ini aku sangat bersyukur karena dengan hadirnya film Nikah Yuk jadi gue bisa dong, 'kapan dong Ki, nikah? Tanggal 6 Februari datang ya, guys', yes* gitu akhirnya film ini tayang,” pungkas Yuli Kato yang membintangi film Nikah Yuk.
February 01, 2020 at 07:00AM from Berita Gosip Terbaru Hari ini, Kabar Artis Terkini -
On Friday, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar declared the novel coronavirus a public health emergency in the United States. From left, in Washington D.C., are Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun, Acting Transportation Undersecretary Joel Szabat, Azar, and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci. Evan Vucci/APhide caption
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Evan Vucci/AP
Updated 7:03 p.m. ET
The Trump administration declared a public health emergency in the U.S. Friday in response to the global coronavirus outbreak.
"Today President Trump took decisive action to minimize the risk of novel coronavirus in the United States," said U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar at a White House press conference.
The risk of contracting the coronavirus is the U.S. is low — something that federal health administration officials emphasized repeatedly. "We are working to keep the risk low," Azar said.
The declaration of a public health emergency — which will become effective Sunday at 5 p.m. ET — enables the government to take temporary measures to contain the spread of the virus, which has been confirmed in seven people in the U.S.
The action means that U.S. citizens who have been in China's Hubei province in the past 14 days will be subject to 14 days of mandatory quarantine if they travel back to the United States.
Earlier Friday, federal officials announced that American citizens who were evacuated from Wuhan earlier in the week would be quarantined for 14 days at March Air Reserve Base in Southern California. The action represents the first time in 50 years the U.S. has instituted a quarantine order.
In addition, the U.S. is temporarily suspending entry of most travelers arriving from China, or who have recently been in China, if they are not U.S. citizens.
"Foreign nationals other than immediate family of U.S. citizens and permanent residents who have traveled in China in the last 14 days will be denied entry into United States," Azar said.
Further, U.S. citizens who have been in other areas of mainland China in the past two weeks will be subject to screening at the airport of entry and heightened monitoring for 14 days.
In their Friday remarks, federal health officials pointed to the fast global spread of the virus as justification for the move. The World Health Organization declared a global health emergency on Thursday.
U.S. officials also tried to explain their reasoning for an intense focus on this outbreak, which so far has not led to any deaths in the U.S., though it has led to more than 200 in China.
"I often get asked [about the] influenza outbreak," which has led to at least 8,000 deaths in the U.S. this season, said Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is part of the NIH. "People want to know why we're paying so much attention to the novel coronavirus."
In contrast to the seasonal flu toll, which is predictable, Fauci said, "there are a lot of unknowns [with the coronavirus]."
"The number of cases has steeply inclined each and every day," Fauci noted. In addition, at the beginning of the outbreak, it wasn't clear whether an infected person without symptoms could transmit the virus to another person.
"Now we know for sure that there are" asymptomatic infections, Fauci said.
『ファイナルファンタジー』シリーズ楽曲を多数手がける植松伸夫氏が作曲を、本編にストーリー&シナリオとして携わる野島一成氏が作詞を担当。また、ヴォーカルには、人気ロックバンドSurvive Said The Prophet のヴォーカルYosh 氏が参加。ゲーム本編の世界観をより一層盛り上げるテーマソングとなっている。
Music: Nobuo Uematsu Vocals: Yosh (Survive Said The Prophet) Lyrics: Kazushige Nojima Lyrics Translation: Ben Sabin, John Crow Arrangement & Synthesizer Programming: Kenichiro Fukui
Honda“シャトル”のCMで話題を呼び、人気アニメ『BANANA FISH』、『ヴィンランド・サガ』 の主題歌を担当したことでも知られる世界を股にかけるロックバンドSurvive Said The Prophet、通称サバプロのボーカリスト。またSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]にヴォーカリストとして参加しており、『BELONG』(小説/コミック"Fate/strange Fake"CM ソング)、『Barricades』( 劇場版『進撃の巨人』Season2~覚醒の咆哮~ エンディングテーマ)、『scaPEGoat』(TVアニメ『終わりのセラフ』EDテーマ)等でヴォーカルを担当し、脚光を浴びる。バイリンガルというバックグラウンドから産み出されるシンガーとしての圧倒的な存在感とオリジナリティーはもちろんのこと、ジャンルに捉われないアプローチでメロディーメイクする新世代ソングライターとしての評価も高く、その活動のフィールドは多岐にわたる。1月15日にはSurvive Said The Prophet のニューアルバム『Inside Your Head』を発売したばかりで、大注目のロックバンド。
『ファイナルファンタジーVII リメイク』のオーケストラコンサート“FINALFANTASY VII REMAKE Orchestra World Tour”が開催決定。6月のロサンゼルス公演を皮切りに、2021年2月12、13日に東京国際フォーラム・ホールAにて日本公演を開催する。本コンサートでは、植松伸夫氏作曲による『ファイナルファンタジーVII リメイク』テーマソング“Hollow”を含む楽曲を、Distant Worldsでおなじみのアーニー・ロス氏による指揮と、壮大なオーケストラ、コーラスによる演奏はもちろん、巨大スクリーンでの映像とともに楽しめる。
MONTPELIER, Vt. (WCAX) Health care reform experts on Thursday said early results of overhauling Vermont's system are solid but there's still room for improvement.
The governor's budget calls for $5.5 million for the state's new all-payer model to make improvements to what is already viewed by some as one of the most efficient reform efforts in the country. The all-payer model calls for patients to receive more preventative care instead of expensive trips to the emergency room. Experts say OneCare, the organization managing Vermont's program, is efficient because it works well with Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance.
"It's not just Medicaid off on its own trying to be the 10 percent saving money, but Medicaid working hand-in-hand with other payers to get a care transformation that keeps people healthier," said Dr. Joshua Sharfstein with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
"We want to know what's going on. This is a lot of money. I happen to believe, I'm cautiously optimistic how this would help that at least changing the trajectory of health care costs in the state. We all need to know what we're doing," said Governor Phil Scott.
The governor and other lawmakers are pushing OneCare to become a nonprofit. He says the the organization needs to be as open as possible, including sharing how much its employees make. Right now it's in the process of becoming a federally recognized nonprofit but it could run into roadblocks at the state level.
OneCare is still falling short of its membership targets. By now they had predicted they'd serve three-quarters of Medicare patients in the state but they only serve about half.
TABLOIDBINTANG.COM - Roger Danurta dan Cut Meyriska dipasangkan di film "Berhenti di Kamu". Film ini diangkat dari novel best seller berjudul #BERHENTIDIKAMU, karya dokter Gia Pratama.
Roger Danuarta memerankan karakter dokter Gia Pratama. Sementara, Cut Meyriska, melakonkan Syafira, istri Gia.
"Kalau jadi suami istri ini yang pertama ya, tapi kalau untuk jadi lawan main ini udah yang kedua," bilang Cut Meyriska, di RBOJE Coffee, Jakarta Selatan, Kamis (30/1). "Ya pastinya menyenangkan bisa satu proyek dan kita juga bisa melakukan hal-hal yang kita laluin bersama, seneng sih," Roger Danuarta menimpali.
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Film ini cukup menantang bagi Cut Meyriska. Sebab, Cut yang berdarah Aceh, harus berakting dengan logat Jawa, seperti sosok yang ia perankan.
"Syafira ini tinggal di Surabaya. Jadi bicaranya ada logat Jawanya. Aku belajar langsung dari beliau," jelas Cut Meyriska.
Di tempat yang sama, Putut Wijanarko selaku produser, mengatakan sejak awal dirinya sudah yakin memilih Cut Meyriska dan Roger Danuarta sebagai bintang utama film Berhenti di Kamu.
"Tawaran peran ini memang untuk mereka. Mereka adalah pemain film yang baik," kata Putut.
January 31, 2020 at 12:00PM from Berita Gosip Terbaru Hari ini, Kabar Artis Terkini -
TABLOIDBINTANG.COM - Titi Kamal ditemui di acara peluncuran brand x Seibu di Grand Indonesia, Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (29/01). Produk kecantikan milik Titi Kamal yaitu Kamalia Beauty akan berkolaborasi dengan SEIBU Departemen Store.
January 31, 2020 at 11:55AM from Berita Gosip Terbaru Hari ini, Kabar Artis Terkini -
TABLOIDBINTANG.COM - Luna Maya ditemui pada acara konferensi pers peluncuran poster film Suzzanna Santet Ilmu Pelebur Nyawa di Kantor Soraya Intercine Films, Cikini, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (30/01).
January 31, 2020 at 11:45AM from Berita Gosip Terbaru Hari ini, Kabar Artis Terkini -
In the span of a day, Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar suddenly became the face of the Trump White House’s public response to the Wuhan coronavirus.
He could just as easily become the fall guy if the president grows unhappy with the speed or nature of the virus’ transmission, or the increasingly intense media coverage surrounding the administration’s actions.
Azar‘s elevation to chief responder — and leader of President Donald Trump’s coronavirus task force — comes after a rocky week for him internally as the virus spread globally and triggered worries across financial markets, corporate executive suites and the White House. The virus is expected to spread further and lead to more U.S. cases. The State Department late Thursday issued its most severe travel warning, telling Americans “do not travel” to China due to the coronavirus.
Inside the White House, pressure has been building up throughout the week in the background of the president’s Senate impeachment trial.
On Monday, several senior officials expressed extreme frustration with Azar and the White House's response, feeling that the administration was caught flat-footed. Some specifically criticized Azar for not widely sharing information and being too slow to ramp up the administration’s efforts. The health secretary was chided in at least one meeting and told to get the U.S. response in higher gear and work better alongside staffers from the National Security Council, Domestic Policy Council and various agencies, according to three senior administration officials.
By Wednesday, in a late-night announcement, Azar was publicly named as the chair of a task force to shape the administration’s response.
Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney this week urged Azar to begin holding a daily briefing to keep the public informed about the virus, officials said. Azar also appeared on Thursday on Fox News, where he told the anchor that the coronavirus “does not at this time pose a risk to the American public.” Later in the day, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed the first instance of person-to-person transmission of the virus in the United States.
Inside the health department, both political and career staff defended the health secretary’s response to a mystery outbreak that’s sickened more than 8,000 people around the globe, including six confirmed cases in the United States. “I can say without hesitation that Alex Azar is doing a very good job in a very difficult job,” said Tony Fauci, a civil servant who’s the nation’s top infectious disease doctor.
The White House stressed that Azar would not have been elevated to lead the administration’s response to the coronavirus if the president and top aides did not trust him.
“The president has complete confidence in Secretary Azar which is exactly why he was chosen to lead the President’s Coronavirus Task Force and anyone spreading rumors to the contrary is simply uninformed and misguided,” Mulvaney told POLITICO in a statement.
"Secretary Azar is leading the efforts of the United States’ response to the novel coronavirus, and is the strongest and most competent health secretary I have ever observed," Robert Redfield, the nation’s CDC director, said in a statement.
The health department also dismissed criticism of Azar’s efforts to fight the outbreak, with HHS spokesperson Caitlin Oakley calling assertions of a slow response “the exact opposite of the truth.”
“Secretary Azar has had daily briefings and interactions with the President on Novel Coronavirus,” she said in a statement. “Secretary Azar has directed the Department to transparently communicate updates on the Novel Coronavirus to the American people through every medium available, often many times a day as details develop.”
Trump has been largely restrained in his public comments on the current outbreak — a departure from his repeated, often alarmist tweets during the 2014 Ebola outbreak. Against the advice of public-health leaders, Trump at the time even urged the United States to close its borders to flights from West Africa — which would have locked out two U.S. health workers who’d become ill in Liberia and had to be airlifted to Atlanta for treatment.
“Stop the EBOLA patients from entering the U.S. Treat them, at the highest level, over there. THE UNITED STATES HAS ENOUGH PROBLEMS!” Trump tweeted in August 2014.
By contrast, Trump this week at times appeared to sound unconcerned in the face of escalating risks. On Thursday at a speech at Michigan manufacturing plant, he downplayed any danger and told attendees that the spread of the coronavirus would have “a very good ending for us.” He added the administration was working “closely” with China to fight the virus and said hopefully “it won’t be as bad as some people think it could be.”
In reality, Trump behind the scenes has repeatedly quizzed aides about the coronavirus and its risks to Americans. Officials say Trump wants to project the image of the White House on the offensive toward the coronavirus, which the World Health Organization on Thursday declared a global public health emergency.
Appearing highly responsive on health care is a major White House priority after the president expressed irritation with his own administration’s moves on vaping and drug pricing, in addition to frustration about Republicans’ inability to repeal Obamacare. Health care has generally been a political loser for this administration. Trump’s own recent, internal polling shows it as a weak spot for him, and a strength for Democrats, heading into the 2020 campaign. Trump berated Azar for the bad polling in mid-January, breaking away from a political strategy meeting in order to vent to his health secretary by phone.
White House officials are now holding at least one daily meeting on the coronavirus and convening multiple calls. Trump tweeted photos on Wednesday of one high-powered session in the White House Situation Room, where the president was surrounded by top aides like Mulvaney and Dan Scavino alongside Azar, Redfield and Fauci.
“Just received a briefing on the Coronavirus in China from all of our GREAT agencies, who are also working closely with China. We will continue to monitor the ongoing developments. We have the best experts anywhere in the world, and they are on top of it 24/7!” Trump tweeted on Wednesday night.
With the coronavirus, the White House must fend off a high-pressure and surging global health crisis that has administration officials privately on edge. The crisis also will test Azar’s ability to lead the response effort in a White House where he has few allies and many enemies — including supporters of Seema Verma, another top health official who spent much of 2019 at war with Azar over policy and personnel.
“Key experts who would help lead a response from the National Security Council are gone or divested and the functions collapsed, and so you’re dependent on coordination from a reluctant health secretary,” said one former administration official.
Azar’s own allies argue that he’s adopted a thorough response to the spreading crisis that’s grounded in public-health best practices. Inside the health department, senior health officials like Redfield and Fauci have been empowered to move quickly on preparing for U.S. outbreaks and devising potential treatments. Azar also tapped his department’s emergency-response team to coordinate efforts, a strategy that helped the Trump administration respond to other crises like earthquakes, hurricanes and the rapid effort to reunify migrant families that the administration separated at the border.
The health secretary’s moves have received some bipartisan applause. Ron Klain, who helped lead President Barack Obama’s response to the 2014-2015 Ebola outbreak, has repeatedly praised Azar for taking “wise steps” even as he bashed the president himself for dismantling public-health functions.
In public and in private, Azar has touted his experience fighting an earlier coronavirus outbreak called SARS and other crises as a senior health official during the George W. Bush administration. “He knows the questions to ask,” like whether officials have fully gamed out potential scenarios, said a senior health official who’s been in strategy meetings with Azar this week.
Two Azar allies also argue the secretary’s department has been transparent amid the health crisis, such as providing the White House’s Domestic Policy Council — which traditionally hasn’t played a role in health outbreaks — with additional briefings earlier this month upon request. Meanwhile, Azar has been demanding greater transparency from China, as health officials seek more data about the mystery virus and offer to send international aid workers to help fight the outbreak.
“Alex has pushed to see if we can send some of our people there to not only help the Chinese but also get some information that would inform our strategies and response," said Fauci, the infectious disease doctor.
Meanwhile, Azar opted out of a sought-after trip to Iowa next week where the health secretary was scheduled to join other Cabinet members as one of the president’s surrogates during the Iowa caucuses. “Azar was invited and is no longer going,” said a person familiar with the secretary’s plans. “He’s staying in Washington to lead the charge and response on coronavirus.”
But Azar’s position in the administration remains weakened after his extensive battles with Verma, the nation’s Medicaid and Medicare chief who was previously a consultant for then-Indiana Gov. Mike Pence. Azar and Verma’s battles grew so severe last month that the White House prepared a shortlist of replacements for both officials. Neither Azar nor Verma’s jobs are currently at risk, officials maintain, noting that Verma on Thursday morning rolled out a plan to overhaul the nation’s Medicaid program, with White House support.
Fauci, who’s worked in the health department since 1968 and led the nation’s infectious-disease response since 1984, argued that Azar is striking the right balance of communicating big decisions while trusting the health department’s army of career scientists. “Good secretaries have transcended administrations,” Fauci said. “Alex is clearly right up there.”
TABLOIDBINTANG.COM - Sintya Marisca ditemui seusai menjadi bintang tamu acara Brownis, Trans TV, Tendean, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (28/01). Cewek viral yang jago joget koplo, Sintya Marisca diajak berduet dengan Didi Kempot diatas panggung.
January 31, 2020 at 11:15AM from Berita Gosip Terbaru Hari ini, Kabar Artis Terkini -
TABLOIDBINTANG.COM - Usai memberikan keterangan sebagai saksi di sidang trio ikan asin di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan, Senin (27/1) lalu, Fairuz A Rafiq mendapat cibiran dan komentar bernada negatif hingga membuatnya tertekan.
Namun demikian, Fairuz A Rafiq tidak akan membalas perbuatan mereka. Sebaliknya ia berbesar hati mendoakan hal baik-baik untuk mereka.
"Apa pun komentar kalian saya tidak akan membalas hal yang sama," aku Fairuz dikutip dari Instagramnya, Kamis (30/1). "Saya doakan agar kalian selalu dilimpahkan kesehatan dan kebahagiaan dan dijauhkan dari masalah seperti saya," lanjutnya.
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Kepada pihak stasiun TV yang mengundang dirinya untuk menjadi narasumber atau bintang tamu di sejumlah acara mereka, Fairuz A Rafiq minta maaf tidak dapat memenuhinya.
"Saya harap semuanya mengerti dengan apa yang saya rasakan," kata istri Sonny Septian.
Fairuz A Rafiq merasa tertekan dan disudutkan oleh pertanyaan-pertanyaan pengacara trio ikan asin dengan bahasa yang kurang layak hingga keluar dari konteks. Ia berharap mendapat keadilan atas kasus tersebut.
January 31, 2020 at 11:00AM from Berita Gosip Terbaru Hari ini, Kabar Artis Terkini -
TABLOIDBINTANG.COM - Arya Permana ditemui seusai menjadi bintang tamu acara Brownis, Trans TV, Tendean, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (28/01). Arya Permama berhasil menurunkan berat badan hingga puluhan kilogram berkat bantuan dari Ade Rai.
January 31, 2020 at 10:55AM from Berita Gosip Terbaru Hari ini, Kabar Artis Terkini -
TABLOIDBINTANG.COM - Gritte Agatha ditemui seusai menjadi bintang tamu acara Rumpi No Secret, Trans TV, Tendean, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (28/01). Gritte Agatha mengatakannya dirinya ingin menjadi seorang producer film.
January 31, 2020 at 10:45AM from Berita Gosip Terbaru Hari ini, Kabar Artis Terkini -